Python Tutorial: Classes, Objects, Methods, init and Simple Examples


Python Tutorial on Classes, Objects, Methods: In this post we will dive into Python classes, methods, objects and using the init constructer to initialize classes. Object oriented programming has gone well past being a fad (sorry punchcards) like it or not encapsulation and inheritance is winning out. The idea is to make modules and procedures abstracted, modifiable and reusable without needing …

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Python Tutorial: Functions and Passing Lists and Dictionaries with Simple Examples

Python Tutorial

In Python the differences between functions, classes and methods is often best explained with examples of code. It is also the best way to learn syntax and languages for some of us. We will start off with Functions and work into Classes which is the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python over the next few posts. These are merely blueprints …

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Software Defined Data Center Slidedeck


Software Defined Data Center SlideDeck: Posting a SlideDeck from a presentation while back titled Software Defined Data Centers, if the graphics help anyone with their own presentations have at em! The only different concepts are some public cloud thoughts and scenarios and some analogies to wireless controllers and SDN deployments. Not all networks must be built the same. We have at …

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Nested KVM Hypervisor Support

Nested KVM Tutorial

Adding Hardware Virtualization Support to a VM in KVM with Nested Hypervisor support is pretty important for folks wanting to do proofs for VMs, IaaS, OpenStack etc. It is fairly well supported now under both KVM and Xen. Not to mention, who wants to lab up bare metal when they can use their laptop for modeling. The major driver for …

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Public Cloud and Network as a Service

Telephone Cabling Mess

The first part of the post was building the Public Cloud node. The second part of this post is going to be a primitive blue print for how to build a hybrid private/public network and what network as a service could mean. Without reliable national broadband and backbone networks both provider and customer will be taking serious risks. I will …

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The HP Public Cloud and OpenStack


We have listened to people ramble on about the promise of the cloud and the impact on infrastructure for a few years now, but very rarely has anyone articulated a reasonable blueprint on ramp into this public cloud. SaaS is everywhere, the application was and will continue to be the low hanging fruit, the rest is a bit more difficult. …

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Rackspace OpenStack Installation on a KVM VM


Rackspace OpenStack Installation on a KVM VM: Big day in the OpenStack world, Rackspace announced it was releasing its Openstack installer image named Alamo v1.0. running on top of KVM, along with Opscode Chef and Rackspace OpenStack cookbooks. This may be the Open Source renaissance we have been needing and forced into by exorbitant profit taking, M&A, takeovers, buyouts, spin-ins, spin-offs, …

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Quantum OpenStack Scripted Python Install

Python OpenStack Installer

Update: My latest installation document for Folsom can be found here. It’s too tough to try and keep up with debugging installers myself so I am just using DevStack in that tutorial. This will not work with OpenStack apt-get repos anymore since the packages have changed to Folsom. Thanks! Quantum OpenStack Python Installer Installation: Here is a cobbled together Openstack Essex scripted installation …

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