I mentioned in my last post that I would start updating practical use cases for generative AI. The first example use case is your project documentation. As software engineers, we spend days of our lives writing project docs. The reality is that people learn and consume data differently. Overly detailed docs may cause some people’s eyes to glaze over while others want as much information as possible. The beauty of LLMs and currently ChatGPT is that the user experience is off the charts with documentation. Applying a similar user experience of ChatGPT to your project’s documentation makes writing docs pretty rewarding when you see an LLM model churning out eloquent explanations of your project tailored to the user, based on the information it learned from your documentation.
The killer app of generative AI thus far is the user experience, which is often missing in networking and infrastructure projects. An easy place to get your feet wet is your documentation. That’s all for now. As I find time, I will try to keep updating practical applications that I am finding as we enter a new world. Also, when was the last time you were excited about docs? Narrator: never.
Here is running code that you can give this use case of uploading and indexing your own docs for a custom chatbot experience: