Install Open vSwitch Networking on Red Hat Fedora 20

Install Open vSwitch Networking on Red Hat Fedora 20

Open Vswitch Lab

Install Open vSwitch Networking on Red Hat Fedora 20

The following tutorial will bootstrap you in installing and configuring Open vSwitch on Red Hat Fedora 20. It also has some extras that are just general Fedora configuration tasks such as setting up networking along with Wireshark over an X11 ssh session. This is the first of lots of integration posts over the next year as we develop network virtualization in Open Daylight and continue to integrate further into OpenStack. The “we” is a royal “we”. It is the awesome team I am on at Red Hat, but much broader, the OpenDaylight and OpenStack communities and the thousands of contributors around the world that truly mak the difference. The OVSDB ODL team is hyper-focused on simplifying and automating the deployment and integration of cloud infrastructures. Complexity is in my opinion, typically a hurdle for consumers of open source projects and cloud/scale in general.

General Fedora Configuration

First some general configurations of Fedora 20 that I tend to use in a fresh image to be sued for development. Turn down some security services for initial development. These being on are obviously important for production services.

To disable Selinux persistently modify the following and reboot:

Install Wireshark with:

Optionally enable X11 forwarding for Wireshark pcaps. If you have a desktop manager installed, yum install wireshark with do it. If a windows manager (such as Gnome) is not isntalled, add the following dependencies:

The OpenFlow disector is bundled into the Wireshark RPM by default which is excellent for those of us that have spent many hours patching disectors to get them to compile in the past. If on a Mac download XQuartz for X11 at

Now you can ssh to the guest OS w/ “ssh -X ” and run “sudo wireshark &” and wireshark will get tunneled over an ssl channel and show up as an application running on your local machine.

Setup Fedora Networking

Edit the following configuration file for IPv(x) and netmask configs – “/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-en*” (*=some unique number) using the following example:

Edit the following configuration file for IPv(x) and netmask configs – “/etc/sysconfig/network”:

General Fedora Configuration

The Open vSwitch install is the easiest part. The Fedora folks did an exceptional job with this. I am seriosuly ecstatic how well this was done. Mileage has varied with OVS package support from all Linux distros in the past but this was a bangup job with kernel mod support and so important.

Verify kernel modules loaded with the following:

The following is a verbose output of the install:

View the startup script for various runtime options:

Open vSwitch Commands

Finally are some random commands that I keep in my ~/.bashrc for lazyness, I mean efficiency.

Get Involved In Something

Thanks to all of those that work so hard to deliver all of these amazing projects and changing industry through collaboration and commitment. Its a great time for those seeking to evolve. Pop into #opendaylight-ovsdb on and get to know some great folks if interested in an up and coming project. You can even meet Madhu’s Roomba.

Thanks for stopping by!

About the Author

Brent SalisburyI have over 20 years of experience wearing various hats from, network engineer, architect, ops and software engineer. More at Brent's LinkedInView all posts by Brent Salisbury →

  1. Dayvidson BezerraDayvidson Bezerra04-01-2014


    OpenFlow’m studying, my question is do the communication with the controller OpenDayLight Openvswitch “without making use of Mininet”. Do you have any post here on my blog?

    And the Openvswitch installation for OpenFlow this one serve?