The Best MPLS Lecture on the Net
The Best MPLS Lecture on the Net: The title says it all. Professor Karandikar gives two amazing lectures on MPLS and MPLS-TE that most engineers should hope to know cold. I watch it probably once every few months. Not saying much for my memory these days. It is an amazing amount of material delivered very precisely. Great stuff! I added some …
Ethernet Switch Fabric Cards
I was working with a buddy today about ethernet switch fabric cards in the nexus 7000 and not doing a very good job at explaining it, so I figured I would draw some pictures. The conversation was around how adding more fabric cards increases the bandwidth. I think some, myself included growing up on Catalyst 6500’s got accustomed to a …
NOX OpenFlow Controller Install on Ubuntu 12.04
Screencast w/o audio. I think it’s quick and self explanatory. This is an install for the newer NOX release on Ubuntu 12.04. I believe the branch name is ‘verity’. It was just upped a couple weeks ago to Github with the new repo linked from It isn’t fully released but the site said Q1 2012, at the least, it …
OpenvSwitch Configure from Packages and Attaching to a Floodlight OpenFlow Controller
OpenvSwitch Configure from Packages and Attaching to a Floodlight OpenFlow Controller: Couple folks have asked about installing OpenvSwitch from packages on Ubuntu 12.04 as opposed to from source. The default repos have v1.4 up so almost at the latest v1.4.1. OVS will be the de facto vSwitch in the hyper-scale providers in the future in my opinion. As Vmware’s Nicira acquisition …
Help Wanted: Cultural Change
Help Wanted: Cultural Change: This post is low on the nerdalert meter and more of the arts, rather than the science. Earlier this year, Level3 blogged about their new initiative of training ~%20 of their 11,000 person staff to be “change agents” in order to cross-pollinate their peers, the notion that change is healthy for the company (speculating). Change is …
SDN and OpenFlow Quotes from some of the Best
Like anyone reading this, we are avid consumers (in my case leech) of information. I put together some quote from people regarding SDN and OpenFlow. Most of the people in the list are intrinsic in helping me shape my own views regarding technology with the outstanding content, ideas and research they generate. “Think of it as a general language or an instruction …
MPLS VPLS configuration with Juniper JunOS
Posting a Juniper VPLS how-to on a couple of J-series routers. Have been pretty SDN focused lately so wanted to get some real stuff in for a post. Docs on JunOS VPLS can be shaky so nothing like a couple real configs to plugin your address in the lab if having problems with L2 VPNs. This includes MPLS VPLS configuration …
SDN Use Cases
We have a few problems in networking. The following document are some SDN use cases that have come up over the past recent months/years. New abstractions in networking should enable solutions we never thought possible due to the monolithic nature of networking gear today (Mainframe 1980). This is all coming from a person who thinks MPLS can squeeze orange juice out …