OpenDaylight Maven and OSGI Dev Notes
Prior to OpenDaylight I had only used the ODGI framework with David Ericson’s Beacon contorller. I wanted to dump some of my notes from code hacking over the past couple of weeks. Most of the time has been spent getting used to OSGI and Maven. After the Maven and OSGI overviews, I list my dev notes for setting OSGI log …
Compiling Wireshark to Install the OpenFlow Dissector on a MAC
For those looking to learn or begin some development work with OpenFlow your trusty friend is the OpenFlow Wireshark dissector. Unfortunately it is still not available as a built in plugin packaged with the Wireshark binary yet. So in the meantime it requires compiling wireshark to get the C header files to generate the shared object file to drop into …
Pre-Built OpenDaylight VM Images
While there is still some uncertainty on the platform details of OpenDaylight, there isn’t uncertainty in my mind, where I will be devoting my time for the rest of the year. I put up a couple of Pre-Built OpenDaylight VM Image, made up of the two proposed bootstrap controllers and OpenFlow tools, on a couple of VM images. I split …
SDN, OpenFlow and OpenDaylight Updates and Recordings
It’s been a busy few weeks in the SDN debate. I am posting some SDN updates from April along with some recordings from various events. The Open Networking Summit held its event. Only a few of the videos have posted so far. The keynotes and presentations that stuck out to me were, Rose Schooler from Intel, Bruce Davie from Nicira/Vmware, …
Open Networking Summit 2013 Is Streaming
The Open Networking Summit 2013 is going to be live streaming a good chunk of the content. Thats outstanding since most people don’t get a chance to travel. The ONS is ground zero for SDN and specifically OpenFlow. It is a great mix of vendors, researchers and community working out potential future paths of networkings. Head over to see the …
Importing OpenDaylight Into Eclipse
This is a quick video for importing OpenDaylight into Eclipse for development. You need to build OpenDaylight with Maven prior to importing it into Eclipse. Once you build ODL from the CLI, you can either run it from there for learning OpenFlow or getting to know the OpenDaylight controller or go on to importing the controller into Eclipse. For those …
The Cisco ONE SDN Controller
Cisco announced the ONE controller at Cisco Live last summer. The ONE has been in Beta for a few months now. There is still plenty of fragmentation around what SDN is and what it should solve. One generally accepted concept is the way we operate networks today, is showing signs of age. The announcement of OpenDaylight this week, pretty much …
Big Switch Introduces Switch Light
Big Switch took a step towards rounding out their portfolio with introducing plans to release a software switching software to integrate into ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) and vendor hardware switches. The “thin switching” software is made up using the FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) Indigo project from Stanford University and Project Floodlight. Just as various vendors have used Open …